Sunday, November 7, 2010

Awww, ain't he cute?!

I was shifting through my old sketches and found this little guy, needless to say it was love at second sight. So i decided to give it some dimension, gray-scale style. This took about 4.5 hrs from start to (almost) finish. Enjoy


  1. Really cool lookin beasty. I see the look you were going for with the silhouetted shapes. However, you lose a lot of important information with the almost jet black shapes. You don't want to give such a distinct and original creature such a complicated silhouette or the viewer wont understand what the are looking at. An example would be his little t-rex arms. They are perfectly recognizable in the line sketch but in the value drawing the arms get lost. The feet are also gone but I assume that's because you haven't finished yet.

    A rim lighting along the top part of the arms might help us see them a bit better.

    Tops my friend!

  2. Message received and shall be applied, thanks buddy
